Saturday, October 27, 2012

Artsy Evil (Halloween Blog Party)

This is my party post for the Halloween Blog party! Welcome!

I love Halloween! I love the season, the smells, the colors, the feelings the season brings! But most of all, I love dressing up in costume. The fascinating thing about a costume is that I believe that people pick something that they identify with on some level, don't you? One of my favorites over the years has been to be the "Evil Queen".

It's my opinion that everyone should own a tiara, if only to wear around the house while in your pajamas!

Now, I know the Evil Queen is, well... evil, but in my opinion she's just a wee bit misunderstood. It takes a lot of effort to be evil all the time! No one thinks about all the work that goes on behind the scenes of an Evil Queen's life.

For starters, her household help is spotty at best! Oh sure, you have your evil minions, but when it really comes down to it, are they reliable? NO! They're evil minions! By their own definition, they're simply not to be relied upon! Well, if the minions aren't getting the work done, who is?

The Evil Queen is! Magic only gets a girl so far, you know! After that, it's do it yourself, or leave it undone. Oh, the suffering the Evil Queen must endure... I mean, the laundry alone!

Some of the evil minions even stop by to give some pointers, rather than help!

Or they're just too busy doing evil things to be bothered with simple chores!

Of course, there are the dishes to do - and we all know those potions do not come off easily!

Dusting the knick-knacks...


 Terrorizing the village people... (although, this is more of a hobby, really.)
And what about those bigger household projects?

Let's not forget about the basics like coordinating household decor...

I'm telling you, it's never ending!

Fortunately, an Evil Queen does have her pursuits that are fulfilling, like painting (funny how the minions show up when it's something FUN to be done, ever notice that?)

No matter how inviting you make your domicile, you never get visitors unless they're carrying torches, pitch forks, or swords. (And you thought all the politicians knocking at your door was bad! Try having to fend these arrogant fools off every time the draw-bridge-bell rings!)

How is an Evil Queen supposed to have a social life with all this work going on? 

Well, I suppose there is always dating...

But that never seems to end well for some reason. There's always some tart that gets in the way and needs to be dealt with...

Yes, it's a lonely life for an Evil Queen. A lonely, busy life... 

But at least she gets to come out and party on Halloween!

Anyone want to bob for apples? I don't know why everyone says no when I'm dressed like this...


  1. What a glamorous and magical Halloween party! Well done, beautiful. Thanks for having me, happy halloween!

    Please come party with me at my 2 different Halloween parties:

    See you soon :)

  2. what a fun party, this minion doesn't fold either!
    please come and see me too...I'm also hosting a giveaway!

  3. Lol, love it!! Great post, and isn't it true that an evil queen's work is never done!! :-)

  4. costume tonight is a jail bird so I hope it isn't something I secretly want to be. :) It was more like a pick because it was so comfy. LOL.....This is such a creative post and love the part about dating and nothing but frogs....he he. :) Happy Halloween

    1. Oh my, I hope not! Otherwise, make sure you have bail money! ;)

  5. Lol wonderful! This made me giggle, I've often though life must be hard for the evil Queen.

    You do make a rather glamorous evil Queen.

  6. I can really relate to this evil queen... :-) Great post!!! :-) Happy Halloween!

  7. "Evil minions do not fold" just became my new catch phrase! Lonely queens are lovely, and wonderfully creative too. Amusing fun and i enjoyed my visit!

    Happy Halloween!!

    xoxox Boo From Roo

  8. Love this post :)
    Beautiful photography
    I will bob for Apples with you :)
    Happy Halloween
    Come visit me at my blog :)

  9. I like how you did a lighter take on the evil queen. Made me smile, although, slightly sinisterly, but a smile none the less. Great photos done to perfection.

  10. The poor evil queen really is misunderstood.

    Any woman who is good with power tools must have some good magic in her as well.

    Should the minions ever get in the way, send them to me!

  11. What a great story, it made me smile. I love all the photo's.
    Please stop by my blog and stay a while.

  12. Stunning photos and the story made me giggle. Beware of the Evil Queen with a power drill!

    Gerushia's New World

  13. The pictures were stunning and the narrative a joy. Thanks for the huge grin! :D

  14. Delightful! There is abit of the Evil Queen in us all, I do declare, especially when it come to those pesky spider webs. Thanks for visiting me.

  15. Love your Evil Queen analogy......great time at your party and I am so glad you enjoyed your visit at mine too♥

  16. Kyra, what a wonderfully witty post! Your cat, dog and bunny are so cute...err, I mean your evil minions. I had a great time here, and thanks for your kind comment on my party post.

    Happy Halloween!
    Victoria from Brushstrokes

  17. I thank you for the big grin on my face,you clever gal!
    Halloween cheers to you!

  18. Hahahahaha....evil Queen...I know all too well what you mean. How delightful that you have minions who share in your joy and "work". Side note, I LOVELOVELOVE that red dress you are wearing in the photographs.

    ~ Misha/DawaiOser (Cosmic Girl)

    If you haven't already, please stop by my contribution to the Halloween festivities. Here's the link to my party:

  19. You are as clever as your beautiful in your Evil Queen costume! I was giggling through the whole post. I must say you have the cutest minions I ever have seen! Haha!

    Well done, Kyra....thanks for having me :)

  20. It was fun trick or treating over at your place :) Thanks for having Me.

  21. Even Evil Queens need to be loved and understood. I wouldn't mind having some minions to do my laundry and cooking from time to time.
    Happy Halloween

  22. Oh this was sooo enchanting,kitschy and delightfully surprising! loved the photos of you in various costume, I can totally relate. Beautifully done, thanks for having me.
    Happy Halloween!

  23. Hi Kyra! Magical post! Yes, I agree we should all wear tiara's. I think you've inspired me to wear mine to the grocery store. Loved your cutie minions and your photos were faBOOlous! You are a lovely evil queen! Thanks for inviting me! :)

  24. You are soooooooooooooo awesome!! Loooved my visit!! Just fab!!

    Thank you so much for being a part of this extra magical season!!

    ♥ Vanessa

  25. ps: I have no idea what EDT means or why it is in my comment above? haha!

  26. I loved you pics so dreamy and magical - and your Halloween Village - Oh Wowee!

    Please come and visit me at

    Happy Haunting

  27. Such creative photo work ! Love that spiderweb! Happy Halloween !If you feel up to it, come visit my little alternative Halloween party this year.....

  28. Had never thought of it that way before, but yes we all tend to feel so sorry for the lovely goodie-two-shoes princess, or maiden or whatever, that we totally forget about the trials and tribulations of her evil nemesis. Thank you for pointing this out so creatively and so enjoyably. :D

  29. Great posting! Your photos are so artistic!
    I hope you will find time to come visit my blog party! I am having a special giveaway.
    Happy Halloween,

  30. Hello Kyra and thank you for visiting my Halloween party! You made for a lovely Evil Queen. Yours was such a clever and humorous post. Thanks for a great glimpse inside the life of an Evil Queen!

  31. Such fun! Love Mr. Toad!
    Happy Halloween!

  32. What would an evil queen do without those minions? So much evil so little time.

  33. Oh I just love this analysis of the Evil Queen! She's always been one of my favourites too I must say. You look quite lovely, what beautiful hair you have my dear! ;)

    Happy Halloween!

  34. Yes, tiaras for everyone. You must see the episode on "The Big Bang Theory" where Mayim Bialik gets a tiara. The tiara moment was chosen by CBS as the #4 of the Top 10 Big Bang moments of the past 100 episodes.

    Popped in from the Halloween Party 2012.

  35. Spooktacular party but I must say I loved your evil minions the most. Stay safe in the storm.

  36. really made me think about the harder side of being the evil queen. It was a fabulous look at the less glamorous side of evil. :)

    Happy Halloween


  37. Your pictures are so great! Sorry i am a little late. Have a super week-end!

  38. How very clever and fun! I thoroughly enjoyed my visit with the evil queen and her minions!

    come meet my Coven, if you haven't already.

    Thanks to Sandy...I am still making the rounds..I live in the dead center of landfall...we got hit hard, and my hubs is in the hospital also...was CCU, no Telemetry.

    Happy Halloween, Blessed Samhain and Happy Dia de Los Muertos!!


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