Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I finished the painting that was bugging me earlier.

Acrylic, Metallic
16" x 20" x .75"
Gallery Wrapped

I'm glad it's done, but my husband absolutely hates it. Well, you can't win them all I suppose. The truth is that it's fine when someone doesn't like my art. Heck, I don't always like my art either. What is interesting is that only one person has to like it enough to want to keep it. It's just about what speaks to you, and that is independent of everyone else.

It's funny how artists use art to define themselves, but it's really the buyer who is expressing their own unique qualities by what they select for their own collections. This is what always makes the critics who try to psychoanalyze an artist through their art rather interesting... I always wonder what they have hanging on their walls.

I actually kind of like the lilies. I may have to experiment with them, away from the Enchanted series. Maybe go back to my swirly skies... I might actually start playing with something tomorrow with this. Lilies can be a bit monotonous, but they're just kinda cool too. No wonder Monet payed them such tribute.


Today, I hit a roadblock with my painting I mentioned earlier that has similar characteristic to Alone. My intention was to create a strong reflection in the water, and thus create a Tree of Life look to it. But everything I try, in order to achieve the reflection looks... wrong. It's seriously annoying me.

Worse, I have a huge area of water - much larger than Alone - to deal with. I'm switching tracks. I'm looking into adding lily-pads... and anything else I can come up with. I hate messing up a painting. It doesn't happen often, so I find I have a lack of patience when it does. Unfortunately, it's been happening more frequently than I would like. This would make the third painting in a recent string that has gone awry.

I started in on the pastel version of the Enchanted series, and it's not going well either. *sigh* Sometimes I have days where I wish I had someone more to yell at than my paint brushes and my own two hands.