Thursday, January 17, 2013

A Little Rainbow

I'm participating in an Art Swap, and while I was excited to do this, I found myself buried under life and commissions and well, let's face it - my Alice series hasn't moved in months now! I have a huge one planned and it's time to get that one sketched out too!

The problem with all that wonderful stuff going on (busy in the studio is always a good thing!) is that I don't get to play as much. I was casting about this morning, wishing I could play instead of work. Work was just getting muddy with the paint, it simply wasn't working. It was time to play. I remembered I was running out of time on the art swap, so I pulled out my watercolors and just had fun! This is the result:

"Rainbow" 4x6" watercolor

She's little. She's rainbow. And she is exactly what I wanted to do. I have mentioned in the past that figuring out skin tone with the watercolors has simply been addicting for me, because I love the way it makes the skin just glow! I've been dying to paint another face, and so... I did! And it made me happy!

A happy art day is always a good art day!

I plan on doing many more girls, as a sort of break between the more heavy duty paintings that I need to knock out. Not everything needs to be so serious and dedicated. It feels like a little mini-art-vacation, and one I desperately needed!


  1. I totally agree with Ana! She is gorgeous!

  2. Good for you....listening to your playful spirit! She's Rainbow Brite all grown up :)

    1. I thought she did too, but I didn't say it! LOL I'm glad someone else saw Rainbow Brite! I didn't mean to make it her, though!

  3. She is stunning! I love her and I love her colors!

  4. Well, you are singing my song too! I so identify with your post - and love that you got out your colors and just had a play. I was hoping to do that too this weekend - just play. Hopefully with beautiful results like yours :) your rainbow girl is just gorgeous - and I love her blue brows! xo


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