I was again asked to contribute to THRICE Fiction Magazine for their latest issue, and it lead to some interesting developments. Those of you who have followed my art over the past 12 years know that it all came from an abstract and surreal base. I can create down to the tiniest realistic detail, or flow in a completely abstract river. Really, it's all about where the feeling takes me. As time has passed, my art and business have flowed through several different directions. Abstracts, to florals, to fantasy and more! However, somewhere along the way the surreal and abstract paintings took a back seat or simply faded away. For the most part, when I did create a piece that fit those labels, I kept it to myself.
Then the magazine came knocking, and I pulled out many of my older works and started to remember what I liked about that flavor of painting. The current issue, No. 5 (of which my art is also on the cover and back cover as well as here and there throughout, keeping company with other artists' pieces all with the intent to help frame the creative writing the magazine is for - it's free to download!), has some of my art in it as well, but it also has a new piece! I created this piece specifically to illustrate one of the stories in the issue:
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"Whim" 9x12, Acrylic on Artist Board |
After I posted the painting publicly, it generated interest. It generated enough interest that I actually had to reevaluate my current painting-business structure and make some changes. I decided that leaving behind my abstract and surreal works was a mistake. While they're not the main thread of my work, they are most definitely a part of it, and a part of me. So, I'm bringing them back.
I've restructured my main art website www.KWilsonStudio.com to include these paintings, as well as broken out my current collections into gallery sets. You will find the Enchanted Forest series has its own gallery, as does the popular and currently in progress Alice series. My abstracts and surreals will be showcased and available for purchase in the main gallery itself (as well as in the prints boutique of course) as they're less a series and more stand alone pieces.
I've already created a new surreal piece, but even better? I did a full time-lapse photo session of the whole painting, and I've created my first time-lapse painting movie!
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"Entangled"9x12x0.75 stretched canvas, sides painted, acrylic |
Here's the video of the painting from white canvas to finished piece, and if you are interested I am going to be doing many more of these (although mostly on the smaller pieces. The White Rabbit painting, "I'm Late", is coming too, but it's a very long one due to the size and detail.) You can subscribe to my YouTube channel to get updates, and I'll also be posting them on my Kyra Wilson Studio page on Facebook.
I hope those of you experiencing the hot weather are able to keep cool!